Sunday, 10 July 2011

Perambulation Diem #24

There are occasions when StKildaFlaneur misses the world of banking


Vang Vieng, located in Laos' Vientiane prefecture is blessed by nature with a commanding position on the Nam Song river overlooked by dramatic limestone cliffs. 

The real draw here though is the unique cultural nighlife, home to the (unfortunately far from endangered) Engerlander GaperYearer Backerpackerus.  Easily identifiable by its minimalist tribal costume of board shorts or bikini's (worn at all hours of the day and night), members can often found lounging in TV bars eating happy pizza's and watching endless reruns of Friends and Family Guy on big screens.

Other activities include wandering the streets in packs, armed with large bottles of Beer Lao and scaring off potential predators with loud group chant singing.

Be warned however these creatures are dangerous and should be approached with extreme caution if at all. In capturing the above images StKildaFlaneur was lucky to avoid a trademark attack - known colloquially as a "head butt."

Friday, 8 July 2011

Too Many Magic Mushrooms in Vang Vieng?

Turns out I wasn't hallucinating. It really was a weird dude riding a giant bike through the rice paddy ban's around Vang Vieng.  A long ride from Germany.

Please Note - StKildaFlaneur does not condone the use of illegal substances.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Lan Xang...Lost In Time

StKildaFlaneur is currently enjoying the delights of Lan Xang - The Land Of A Million Elephants.  Many visitors to Laos marvel at the timelessness of the country.  There is however one thing that clearly be placed in time.  The Internet.  Cast your minds back to the time of dial up - circa 1997.  Thus far it appears it's as good as it gets.  Hence we are somewhat frustrated in our ability to upload photo's or video snippets.

StKildaFlaneur therefore thanks you for your continuing support and begs your indulgence until such time as we rediscover bandwith.

In the meantime StKildaFlaneur continues to enjoy "Laos time."   In keeping with its French colonial background the people of Laos maintain traditions close to the heart of any flaneur.  As a French colonial adminstrator once observed.....

The Vietnamese grow rice.  The Cambodians watch rice grow.  In Laos they listen to rice grow.